Why Do We Make New Year's Resolutions?

As History.com notes, people have been celebrating the start of the new year for at least 4,000 years. Since then making resolutions has become a popular tradition. But how did the practice of resolution-making come about? Continue reading to find out why we make resolutions and get tips on how to keep the ones you make this year.

2015 new years resolutions

How Resolutions Became a New Year’s Tradition

As far as historians can tell, Babylonians were the first to make resolutions for the new year thousands of years ago. They wanted to start the year off right and please their gods by making resolutions such as repaying their debts, which is still one of the most popular resolutions today.

There is also evidence of ancient Romans making New Year’s resolutions. However, during this time there was also a political factor that influenced resolution-making. The start of the new year, which was originally celebrated in March, was when public officials would take oaths of service.

Today, New Year’s resolutions have been popularized in the U.S., but they are quite different from the resolutions people in ancient civilizations used to make. Now resolutions are primarily based on making self-improvements.

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions This Year

Want to finally reach your New Year’s resolutions? The tips below will make your goals more attainable.

  • Don’t make too many resolutions – Making just one or two resolutions helps you focus on getting them done.
  • Write it down – People who write their resolutions down are more likely to reach them.
  • Get an accountability partner – People that have accountability partners are 33% more likely to reach their goals.
  • Don’t quit if you fall off the wagon – If you don’t hit your goals right away or falter, don’t quit. Keep going and push past the hurdles.
  • Create a plan for meeting your resolutions – Failing to plan out the steps you need to take makes reaching a goal difficult. Plot out how you intend to reach your resolutions in the coming year, then make the first step your first goal.
  • Break the behavior chains – If you’ve tried a resolution before and it didn’t work, don’t go at it in the same way. Try a completely new approach. Also, it’s important to understand meeting resolutions often means breaking bad habits.
  • Use the SMART model – Make resolutions that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-specific.
  • Keep track of the progress you make – Tracking your progress not only helps you identify hang-ups, it will also motivate you to keep going. There are plenty of tracking apps like Mint (financial) and Noom (health) that can help you reach your goals.
  • Reassess your resolutions as you go – Throughout the year, reassess your goals to evaluate whether they need to be modified.
  • Celebrate your success – It’s important to celebrate your successes along the way. It helps to motivate you and reaffirm the progress you’ve made so far.

What the Pro-Vision Academy Staff and Students Are Working on This Year

Every year the staff and students at Pro-Vision Academy work to make it the best charter school in Houston. But many of the faculty members and students also make individual resolutions of their own. Get inspired this New Year by seeing what goals they’ll be working on.


To be the CHANGE that I want to see . . . C.T.

To become a better listener . . . S.W.

To be the best I can professionally and personally . . . J.W.

To be a blessing to others . . . D.S.


Become a better person and use better language . . . A.T.

Become a better dancer and better gymnast . . . J.Y.

Become a better basketball player and sign with a District One college . . . J.S.

Gain weight because I’m too skinny . . . J.L.

What’s your resolution for the New Year? If you’re resolved to do more community service, please consider volunteering at Pro-Vision Academy or making a donation!


Original Source: https://www.provision-inc.org/leadership-2/make-new-years-resolutions/