Classroom Technology at Pro-Vision Academy

As the economy, jobs and education move towards a more global setting, we have to do everything we can to give our students a competitive edge. One of the best ways to ensure that Pro-Vision Academy students have every advantage is to leverage technology.

Pro-Vision Academy has made a serious investment in integrating technology into students’ daily activities. From smartboards to going paperless, here’s a look at how we’re adding tech to the school day.

studenttechHow Technology is Changing the Classroom

More and more studies are coming out that show technology could be the key to improving education in the U.S. For one, interactive learning opportunities take students out of a passive role and put them in a more active role that keeps them engaged. Technology also makes it possible to individualize lessons for each student rather than making it a cookie cutter process that not all students respond to.

Teachers can utilize tools that help them gauge a student’s progress and provide supplemental materials when needed. The more tools a teacher has at his or her disposal, the better equipped he or she is to help each student. A study from CompTIA showed that an overwhelming percentage of teachers that leveraged technology found it had a significant impact on improving education.

Technological changes throughout the entire Pro-Vision Academy campus include:

A Promethean Board in Each Classroom – One of the latest improvements to be made across the school is the installation of Promethean Interactive Whiteboard Systems. An interactive whiteboard helps keep the students more engaged and is the foundation for digitally connected learning. Gone are the days of chalk and dry erase markers. Promethean turns the boards into a screen where the possibilities are endless.

Daily Computer Lab – Every day each student attends computer lab. This gives them valuable exposure to technology on a daily basis, which helps increase their grades in both reading and math.

Utilizing Technology for Tailor-Made Academics – Pro-Vision Academy is centered around individualized learning. Educators take advantage of the latest tools, software and other technology-based methods to provide unique learning experiences that meet the needs of each student.

The Fifth Grade All Digital Experiment

The fifth grade class at Pro-Vision Academy is now 100% technology driven! It is the prototype for an almost paperless classroom that has the potential to improve the learning process. The fifth grade students do all their work via digital means – from the headphones they wear to receive individualized instruction and tune out noise to the interaction they have using the smart board. Each student also has their very own learning pad to use while in the high-tech classroom and to submit their assignments.

Already the school is seeing a return on the investment. The all-digital students have off the charts higher grades than other classes on the STAR tests. One of the other trends seen in this prototype classroom has been the significant increase in proficiency in a short timeframe. Students who started 2-3 grade levels behind are now reading at or above grade level.

Pro-Vision Academy is experimenting with total technology submersion in the fifth grade classroom in hopes of raising funds to turn all classrooms into digital knowledge centers. Unfortunately going all-digital is a long, costly process that we’re currently trying to factor in among their many other budgetary priorities. If you’re interested in helping Pro-Vision Academy in their mission to provide students with a technologically advanced education, please visit our Donate page to learn how you can make a difference.


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